'Stars of Export\ awarded by Uludag Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Product Exporters' Association Uludag Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Product Exporters'
Association (UYMSiB) awarded member companies that had great contribution to national export performance and thus the economy for the period. 2019-2020. VVithin the scope of 2019 Stars of Export Awards, a total of 139 companies in 4 categories were granted with 89 awards and 50 export success certificates which were categorized in platinum, gold, silver and bronze. As for 2020 Stars of Export Awards, 92 awards and 59 export success certificates were granted to a total of 151 companies in 4 categories as it was for 2019. Alanar Fruit ranked in the top three in UYMSiB's 2019 Platinum Export Awards, Alanar Fruit also took place in the top four in the 2020 Platinum Export Awards.